Monday, March 22, 2010

What's to be Proud Of

As a boy of 13, a journey began which led to an appreciation of the unique positives which make America special. The belief in the individual, in free choice, and in a country which honors freedoms with responsibility.

Riding in a New York taxi the driver, who's name I could never pronounce. This was the happiest taxi driver I ever met. Smiling, friendly, and humming as he moved in and out of heavy NY traffic. Quite a contrast to the usual grim faced cabbie with anger just under the surface ready to burst out at the next car that cuts him off. This mans name was unpronounceable, at least to me. After about five minutes of "extreme smiling" I asked him why he was so happy. His answer; "I live in America."

Oh, good was my somewhat confused reaction. That's it?

"My daughter, my daughter can go to school. For free."

Uh huh I said. He looked at me like I was not too bright. Still smiling he went on.

"And we are safe. People do not come in the night to kill you like in Somalia. And I work, and keep the money."

Surprized, and humbled I fumbled for words, finally just said the first thing i could think of, Welcome to America.

It hit me then there are so many reasons to appreciate what's good about this country. We hear the about all the problems, the warts and the complaints, but not the good all the time. Yet the positives of a free society, with nearly unlimited choices are part of our daily lives, are usually not appreciated, taken for granted by those of us born here.

In this blog I'll share experiences and examples of what I've seen and people I've met, with different perspectives and examples of what makes the USA a great country.

I encourage comments and adding your own experiences. This is my first blog, so I'll endeavor to make it relevant and interesting. I'll also comment on the progress of our planned re-release of Proud American in theaters nationwide.


1 comment:

  1. Fred is correct when he clearly implies that so many citizens of this planet have such love and respect for the United States of America. I am reminded of Prime Minister Tony Blair’s response to a reporter when asked why he liked America so much: "A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in and how many want to get out."
