Friday, May 28, 2010

It's been awhile since the last blog, and there are lots of excuses for not writing, but none worth writing about.
A visit to San Francisco was revealing and fascinating. The city by the bay has always been a favorite place to visit. The natural beauty of the surroundings, the bay, the Golden Gate bridge, and the surrounding hillsides full of tall mature trees. In stark contrast to Southern California the green vs brown factor is big. The vibe of the city is still very alive,and as always a little dark. A mid afternoon meeting at the cafe in Union Square, outdoor tables, sunshine with a crisp breeze reminded me at once of experiences in New York and Paris. A bit of nature surrounded by the bustle of the city. My meeting with a CEO of an large corporation was pleasant and productive. It was also interrupted by a well dressed young man, with big sunglasses, and an even bigger arrogance who, in the fenced restaurant area, began smoking with the smoke coming directly into our faces. The no smoking sign on the fence was right in front of him. My guest spoke up first, addressing the man directly. The man refused to acknowledge the request to stop smoking and lit up another. The request to stop became a demand, finally answered by a taunt of "mind your own business." A few more words from the CEO and the smoker got more belligerant. He stood up, clearly angry. We both stood up, unsure of what may come next, pointing out the no smoking sign and the San Francisco law, which is very intolerant of smokers in public places. He finally backed down, walked away cursing at us, and we resumed our meeting, shaking our heads in disbelief at what had almost happened.
The sunshine, otherwise pleasant atmosphere and good company prevailed to make it a great afternoon, but there was also a reminder that some negative, angry people and potentially violent people lurk amongst us. Walking back to the hotel, my situational awareness was higher, and it was still a beautiful day in an amazing city.

1 comment:

  1. My oh my, this reminds me of the time Mark and I had dinner at George's at the Cove - when smoking was still allowed inside restaurants. We had called up earlier reserving a table for eight in the non-smoking section. When we arrived, they seated us in the non-smoking section all right; one table away from the smokers. That was bad enough, and then a guy obviously from Europe lit up a cigarette. Since he was in the "smoking" section, about 3 feet away, rather than asking him to put it out, we opened a window. He immediately went over and shut it. Then we nearly came to blows when he blew his smoke directly into my face. Mark and I were so upset, neither one of us could eat our food. We requested the manager. George himself came to address the issue. When we explained what had happened, he said, "Well, then, just don't come back." We have NEVER gone back, and anytime any of our friends mention they are planning to go there we highly discourage them.
