Sunday, March 28, 2010

Freedom of Flight

Of the many things in my life I am grateful for, family friends, a really fun career, flying is near the top of the list. It's a little bit about learning and keeping the skills sharp, you are always learning in aviation, and it's far more. When I fly I experience an elation, a freedom born of childhood dreams. To fly is to see the earth in new perspective. My own problems take on lesser importance. The beauty of nature, and man's accomplishments are seen very differently from the air. And yes, the best views are seen from the pointy end of the airplane. Mankind's quest to fly is legendary, and we as humans are so fortunate to live in a time when we can fly literally anywhere in the world quickly and safely. We also have so many choices available to us as individuals. It is relatively easy to become a pilots, and be able to fly all around this amazing country, or the world, limited only by imagination, skills, the current weather, and your pocketbook. Some choose to buy a Harley, or a vacation home, a motorhome, or an airplane. Did you know you can buy a used Cessna for about what a luxury car costs? You can. It's all about choice.

One of the great things about America is the freedom allowed by private aviation.
Assuming you have a pilots license, you can rent a plane (after a checkout by an instructor) and fly pretty much anywhere. The weather reporting system and ATC in the USA is excellent and today's small plane navigation systems would be the envy many an airline of not that many years ago. There are thousands of airports across the country, providing access to many communities which would be very isolated without an airfield. The ATC system (air traffic control) is funded by taxes on fuel, so the more you fly the more you pay. Other countries have fee systems that charge very high fees for every flight plan filed, or every time you call for an approach to an airport, and after landing fees and taxes abound. Nearly all smaller airports in the USA have no landing fees for small planes. You are welcomed by friendly people who would like to sell you some fuel, engage in "hangar talk," offer a free cookie and coffee, and generally help you out. Find yourself halfway across the country, at an unfamiliar airport and something needs fixed, you'll find competent, friendly and helpful people. Mechanics and shops are honest with very few exceptions. People will bend over backward to help you out.

On one cross country trip for business a few years ago the old radar on my plane finally gave it up. It was summer in the Midwest, with lots or storms to avoid, so I really wanted a working weather radar. At a small regional airport, the guy who owned the avionics shop took a look and confirmed the diagnosis-it would an easy fix, but would take a few days for parts. He had a compatible unit on his shelf ready to go so he offered to put his radar in and repair mine, so I could continue my trip. We would square up and swap back units via UPS when the repairs were done. No lawyers, no contract, just a handshake. When I returned from the trip, his bill was reasonable and my home shop swapped out the loaner and put in my unit in less than an hour. This is typical of the community which exists in aviation. It exists in other communities of like minded people as well, restoring our faith in human fairness, and kindness.

After some 4,000 hours in various cockpits, flying for business and pleasure, I've come to truly appreciate the American system. In places like Mexico you have to carry a wad of cash to get things done. Europe is so over regulated, and expensive, many European and pilots from many other countries come to the USA for training. We often take for granted the freedom to go where we want when we want, mostly unfettered by government and locals, in the air or on the road or even on the water.

The FREEDOM to go where you want to go, when you want to go there, is part of the heritage of freedom Americans enjoy. Don't ever take it for granted. It's just one of the things that makes this country special.
Fred Ashman

I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations. ~James Madison, speech, Virginia Convention, 1788

Finally, I highly recommend the blog by my friend Rolland Smith

Rolland has a fluidity combined with thoughtful observations, expressed as only he can do. Good reading and thinking.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Satellite Technology

Amazing Satellite Technology

One of the amazing new technologies we have provides the ability to obtain high quality music and information via satellite. Think about it, the 100 plus channels are sent up, bounced off a satellite, and returned back to earth where our little receivers in cars or homes pick up the signal, unscramble it and play very high quality music.
The same technology bundles a separate signal which the receiver in an airplane captures and displays in color on a moving map. The map is driven by a separate satellite derived GPS signal, the same signal used in cars and boats and handlheld GPS for hikers.
The information displayed in the cockpit is a composite of all the national Doppler radar sites. It gives us pilots something we could never get with our on-board weather radar; a picture of the weather anywhere in the country. On-board radar is good for what is in front of the airplane out to about 40-60 miles, but it cannot show what lies behind a rain shower or thunderhead; it might be good weather or a bigger storm to avoid. The satellite signal also gives weather alerts and even TFR- (temporary flight restrictions) so we don't fly into a restricted area that just popped up. TFR's are no fly zones around big fires, presidential flights and other major events.

Flying is safer than ever with these severe weather avoidance tools, not to mention navigation is far more precise with GPS and moving map displays. And yes, I do get satellite radio on the headsets too.

Cruising with the tunes playing. Whenever ATC (air traffic control) or another airplane uses the radio, it automatically mutes the music- so you don't miss radio calls or fly past Minneapolis....

All made possible by integrated circuits and ever smaller, more powerful computers. One more thing to be grateful for.


Monday, March 22, 2010

What's to be Proud Of

As a boy of 13, a journey began which led to an appreciation of the unique positives which make America special. The belief in the individual, in free choice, and in a country which honors freedoms with responsibility.

Riding in a New York taxi the driver, who's name I could never pronounce. This was the happiest taxi driver I ever met. Smiling, friendly, and humming as he moved in and out of heavy NY traffic. Quite a contrast to the usual grim faced cabbie with anger just under the surface ready to burst out at the next car that cuts him off. This mans name was unpronounceable, at least to me. After about five minutes of "extreme smiling" I asked him why he was so happy. His answer; "I live in America."

Oh, good was my somewhat confused reaction. That's it?

"My daughter, my daughter can go to school. For free."

Uh huh I said. He looked at me like I was not too bright. Still smiling he went on.

"And we are safe. People do not come in the night to kill you like in Somalia. And I work, and keep the money."

Surprized, and humbled I fumbled for words, finally just said the first thing i could think of, Welcome to America.

It hit me then there are so many reasons to appreciate what's good about this country. We hear the about all the problems, the warts and the complaints, but not the good all the time. Yet the positives of a free society, with nearly unlimited choices are part of our daily lives, are usually not appreciated, taken for granted by those of us born here.

In this blog I'll share experiences and examples of what I've seen and people I've met, with different perspectives and examples of what makes the USA a great country.

I encourage comments and adding your own experiences. This is my first blog, so I'll endeavor to make it relevant and interesting. I'll also comment on the progress of our planned re-release of Proud American in theaters nationwide.
